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Activities Multicultural Interdisciplinary Hanbook


1. MIH presentations in events (conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.)

Partner Event Date Place Audience Person(s) promoting MIH Contacts gathered
0. Universidad de Salamanca (ES) Conference TECH-EDUCA 2010 May 20th, 2010 Athens, Greece European teachers and researchers Valentina Zangrando

Francisco José García Peñalvo

Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo

Conference in Academia de Logística del Ejercito de Tierra, (ACLOG) June 17th, 2010 Calatayud, Spain In service and future teachers of Spanish Army Francisco José García Peñalvo yes
XV Encuentro Internacional RECLA July 21th, 2010 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Francisco José García Peñalvo yes
Conference in Academia de Logística del Ejercito de Tierra, (ACLOG) November 4th, 2010 Calatayud, Spain In service and future teachers of Spanish Army Francisco José García Peñalvo yes
Teacher Training Course September 5th-17th, 2011 Salamanca, Spain In service and future Spanish teachers Valentina Zangrando

Francisco José García Peñalvo

Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo

Alicia García Holgado

Computer Based Tools for Learning in a Multicultural Perspective September 14th-17th, 2011 Salamanca, Spain European teachers, students and researchers Valentina Zangrando

Francisco José García Peñalvo

Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo

Alicia García Holgado

1. Pädag. Hochschule Tirol (AT) Presentation of MIH and explation of questionaires (TTC) May, 23rd 2011 Pädagog Hochschule Tirol In service teachers Franz Riegler

Andrea Krimbacher

Presentation of MIH and explation of questionaires (TTC) June, 8th 2011 Pädagog Hochschule Tirol Future teachers Franz Riegler

Andrea Krimbacher

Presentation of MIH and explation of questionaires (TTC) June, 16th 2011 Pädagog Hochschule Tirol Future teachers Franz Riegler

Norbert Waldner

Questionnaires about MIH May –June, 2011 Pädagog Hochschule Tirol Future teachers, teacher and their students Franz Riedler yes
2. Hafelekar (AT) HAF Jour fixe with external network partners May, 24th 2010 Innsbruck/AT Internal Staff HAF

Martin Maier – our didactical expert

Network partners

Paul Schober – Managing Director of HAF Idea was spread to more network partners and to 3 schools
3. Institut Universitaire Créteil (FR) Workshop May, 13th 2011 IUFM Créteil History teachers Thierry Aprile

Jean Caffier

Eric Mesnard

7 teachers accept to improve MIH DM
Seminar January, 6th 2012 Lycée Picasso

94 Fontenay/Bois

Teachers of european sections (English, Spanish, German, history and geography) Eric Mesnard
Piloting and questionnaires 2011 Lowers econdary schools 7 teachers of lower secondary schools Eric Mesnard yes
4. Universiät Augsburg (DE) Advanced teacher training course November, 18th-20th 2010 Puplic record office Augsburg In-service teachers of different school types Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp

Dr. Wolfgang Petz

Seminar Winter term 2010/11 University of Augsburg Future teachers Oliver Simmet M.A. yes
Seminar Summer term 2011 University of Augsburg Future teachers Oliver Simmet M.A. yes
MIH-Teacher Training Course (TTC) April, 9th 2011, 9-12 University of Augsburg In-service teachers of different school types Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp

Dr. Jutta Schumann

MIH-Teacher Training Course (TTC) May, 6th 2011 University of Augsburg In-service teachers of different school types Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp

Dr. Jutta Schumann

Piloting in different schools April 10th – May 31st 2011 Different schools in Augsburg region In-service teachers / pupils of different forms Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp

Dr. Jutta Schumann

Conference for History Didactics Germany October, 6th-8th 2011 University of Augsburg Participating members of the Conference for History Didactics, Germany Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp

Dr. Jutta Schumann

Dr. Michael Wobring

Oliver Simmet M.A.

Annual Conference of International Society of History Didactics September, 12th-15th 2011 Basel Participating members of the International Society of History Didactics Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp

Dr. Jutta Schumann

5. Universität Siegen (DE) Conference: History is made! June 21st 2011 Münster In-service teachers Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn yes
Conference: Global-historic perspectives in history lessons. October, 2011 Shanghai Members of the German and Chinese Society of History Didactics Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn yes
MIH Teacher Training Course March 1st 2011 Siegen In-service teachers und future In-service teachers Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn

Dr. Uta Fenske

Michael Guse

Piloting in different schools March – June 30th 2011 Different schools in Siegen region In-service teachers / pupils of different forms In-service teachers participating in the TTC yes
Teacher Training Course May 2011 Siegen Future teachers Michael Guse yes
Network with regards to contents History, Sek 1. District Counsel Arnsberg. Ministry for School and Further Education, (NRW) 1 Conference in March, April, May Schwerte In-service Teachers Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn

Michael Guse

6. Università Ca’Foscari (IT) WORHSHOP
“Teaching History and Geography”
April, 27th 2011 Liceo Paleocapa
20 teachers High Secondary School Anna Consonni 20 teachers
REGIONAL CONFERENCE May, 4th 2011 Padoua University 36 Teachers
3 Researchers
2 Regional Inspectors
Cinzia Crivellari 1 Inspector
17 Teachers
Launch on etwinning platform (CLIL Group) April / May 2011 Etwinning platform 204 Teachers expert in CLIL Anna Consonni 18 Teachers
Teachers Training Course May 2nd-4th 2011 University of Venice, Vernice 8 Teachers Anna Consonni 8 teachers
7. Spoleczna (PL) In-service Training for teachers August 25th-26th 2011 Łódź 15 teachers Joanna Szczecińska 15 teachers
Pilot in 2 schools September 2011 Łódź 2 teachers, 20 students Joanna Szczecińska 2 teachers, 20 students
Teachers Training Course August 25th-26th 2011 Łódź 15 teachers Joanna Szczecińska 15 teachers

2. Promotion via own communication channels (newsletter, magazine, local media, website, etc.)

Partner Communication Channel Form of presentation Format
0. Universidad de Salamanca (ES) “Learning European history and geography in a multicultural and ICT perspective”. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), Inderscience. ISSN (Online): 1753-5263 – ISSN (Print): 1753-5255. journal Online and printed
Zangrando, V & Simmet M.A., O. (2011). Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook: tools for learning history and geography in a multicultural perspective. In Schumann, J. & Popp, S. (Eds.) Analyzing Textbooks. Methodological Issues (Jahrbuch – Yearbook – Annales. Yearbook of the International Socitey of History Didactics), Schwalbach/Ts, p. 245-247. Chapter In press
García Peñalvo, F.J. (Ed.). (2012) Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT-Supported Approaches. Idea Group Inc. Book In press (ending of 2012)
Seoane Pardo, A. et al. (2012) Multicultural Learning Objects. García Peñalvo, F.J. (Ed.) Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT-Supported Approaches. Idea Group Inc. Chapter In press (ending of 2012)
García Peñalvo, F.J. et al. (2012) Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook Project. García Peñalvo, F.J. (Ed.) Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT-Supported Approaches. Idea Group Inc. Chapter In press (ending of 2012)
Zangrando, V. et al. (2012) The Handbook. García Peñalvo, F.J. (Ed.) Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT-Supported Approaches. Idea Group Inc. In press (ending of 2012) Chapter In press (ending of 2012)
“Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook (MIH): Tools for Learning History and Geography in a Multicultural and ICT Perspective”. In Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform. 1st International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, Athens, Greece, May 19-21, 2010. Proceedings (Athens, Greece, May 19-21, 2010). M. D. Lytras, P. Ordoñez de Pablos, D. Avison, J. Sipior, Q. Jin, W. Leal, L. Uden, M. Thomas, S. Cervai, D. G. Horner. (Eds.). Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Vol. CCIS 73. Pages 374-378. ISSN 1865-0929 (Print) 1865-0937 (Online). ISBN-10 3-642-13165-4. ISBN-13 978-3-642-13165-3 (Print). 2010. International conference paper Online and printed
Presentation of MIH project in 1st International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, Athens, Greece, May 19-21, 2010. keynote Online
“Tendencias en Formación Continua”. Academia de Logística del Ejercito de Tierra, (ACLOG). Calatayud, Spain. June 17th, 2010. Keynote conference Online
“eLearning 2.0 y Formación Continua”. XV Encuentro Internacional RECLA. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, July 21th, 2010. Keynote conference Online
”Aprendizaje Informal en las Redes Sociales”. Academia de Logística del Ejercito de Tierra, (ACLOG). Calatayud, Spain. November 4th, 2010. Keynote conference Online
La Vanguardia, September 7th, 2010. Monográfico especial Informática (PDF) Newspaper publication Printed and online
DINTEL Alta Dirección, October/November, 2010. Innovación y desarrollo. Especial AA.PP. en la Junta de Castilla y León (PDF) Newspaper publication Printed and online
“GRIAL Partner in Europe”. En Buscando el GRIAL (http://agora.grial.eu/fgarcia/2010/02/25/grial-partner-in-europe/). February 25th, 2010. Post on blog Online
“Comienza el proyecto MIH”. En Buscando el GRIAL (http://agora.grial.eu/fgarcia/2010/01/12/comienza-el-proyecto-mih/). January 12th, 2010. Post on blog Online
“MIH. We meet us in the halfway”. En Buscando el GRIAL (http://agora.grial.eu/fgarcia/2010/10/22/mih-we-meet-us-in-the-halfway/). October 22th, 2010. Post on blog Online
1. Pädag. Hochschule Tirol (AT) Hochschulbericht der Pädagogischen Hochschule 2009/10 magazine printed
Promotion on website of PH Tirol http://www.ph-tirol.ac.at/typo3/574.html (September 2011) website online
2. Hafelekar (AT) HAF Website Info EU projects : www.hafelekar.at Promote the idea of the MIH project in different areas of the website (see annexed docs from Hafelekar) www.hafelekar.at
HAF Newsletter Promote the MIH project and to invite to the final conference in Salamanca sent to approx 450 institutions on national and international level
Press Release in September 2011 Introduce the outcomes of the MIH project to a broad public in Austria 15 newspapers on local, regional and national level
4. Universiät Augsburg (DE) Homepage of the Chair of history didactics, University of Augsburg website online
Announcing of the Project-Leaflets at the University of Augsburg poster printed
Newsletter / official invitation to the Conference of History Didactis Germany (July 2011) mail/per post printed and online
Essay in: Analyzing Textbooks. Methodological Issues (Jahrbuch – Yearbook – Annales. Yearbook of the International Socitey of History Didactics), Schwalbach/Ts.2011, p. 245-247. book form printed
Information texts for teacher´s associations in Bavaria (BLLV) Mail/per post printed and online
Report about the MIH-conference in Augsburg 16th – 19th February 2011, UNI PRESS UPD 35/11 internal Uni press printed
5. Universität Siegen (DE) Homepage Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn website online
Teacher Training Institute, Köln. website online
Network with regards to contents History, Sek 1. District Counsel Arnsberg. Ministry for School and Further Education, (NRW)
Teacher Training Institute, Siegen.
CertiLingua (further training for bilingual teachers, schools + teacher training institute Siegerland).
Printed Flyers poster printed
1 Thesis submitted as part of the preliminary board exam for teachers (Teacher Training Institute, Siegen). thesis printed
Querschnitt” (University magazine). magazine printed
Journal for the Didactics of History. journal printed
Journal of the association of history teachers. journal printed
Network with regards to contents History, Sek 1. District Counsel Arnsberg. Ministry for School and Further Education, (NRW).
6. Università Ca’Foscari (IT) Università Ca’Foscari Venezia. Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. http://www.unive.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=97234 Newspaper publication Online
7. Spoleczna (PL) Publication in Interklasa, Polish Educational Portal. Interklasa.pl Newspaper publication Online
The website ” Uczyc Się z Historii ” is a educational projects platform (carried out in schools and education after-school youth) devoted to the history Polish and its neighbors in the twentieth century. Uczyc-Się-z-Historii.pl Newspaper publication Online
“Wielokulturowy Interdyscyplinarny Podręcznik do Historii i Geografii” is a Multicultural Interdisciplinary Guide to the History and Geography. Eksperci w Oświacie.pl Newspaper publication Online

3. Other forms of dissemination activities

Partner Dissemination activity Date Audience
0. Universidad de Salamanca (ES) Web engineering and semantic web – Master in Intelligent Systems (University of Salamanca) March 2011 Students
Computing resources – Master in ICT in Education: Analysis and design processes, resources and training practices (University of Salamanca) February 2011 Future teachers and students
1. Pädag. Hochschule Tirol (AT) Meeting of EU office and organisation at PHT Innsbruck
Presentation of MIH Project and discussion
September, 19th 2011 Professors, teachers
2. Hafelekar (AT) MIH Advisory Committee Discussions about the project since 2010 List of members
Hafelekar supported all other partners re Dissemination activities by providing the necessary templates, folders, brochures, texts, etc. During entire project period All MIH partners

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