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Public Deliverables Multicultural Interdisciplinary Hanbook

Public Deliverables

WP2: Technique and Design

WP3: Baseline Study

Task 3.1. State of the art.

1. National History and Geography programmes:


Curricula Original version English version
Curricula Geography AT_HauptschuleLehrnplan_Geschichte und Sozialkunde-Politische Bildung_ov (PDF) AT_Curriculum_Geography_EN (DOC)
Curricula History AT_HS und AHS Unterstufen_Geography_ov (PDF) AT_Curriculum_History_EN (DOCX)


Curricula Original version English version
The common base of knowledge and skills FR_Curricula_EN (PDF)
Programmes d’histoire et de géographie en classe de seconde générale et technologique FR_2GÇnÇrale et Technologique_BO4_29-04-10_OV (PDF)
Programme DNL. Classe de Première FR_DNL section europÇenne_ 1e_ov (DOC)
Sections européennes. DNL histoire et géographie FR_DNL section europÇenne_ Terminale_ov (DOC)
Programme DNL. Classe de Seconde FR_DNL section europÇenne_2e_ov (DOC)
Programme Première Histoire – Séries ES et L FR_programme 1e_ 2002_toutes sÇries_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
PROGRAMME D’HISTOIRE. Les fondements du monde contemporain FR_programme de 2e_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Programme de Troisième. LE MONDE D’AUJOURD’HUI FR_programme de 3e_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Classe de Cinquième. Histoire : le Moyen Âge et la naissance des Temps modernes FR_programme de 5e4e_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Programmes de l’enseignement d’histoire-géographie-éducation civique FR_programme de 6e 2008_HISTGEO_ov (PDF)
Programmes DARCOS 2008 FR_PROGRAMMES_DARCOS 2008_primaryschool_ov (DOC)
Histoire – Classe terminale des séries L et ES FR_programmeterminale2002_toutes sÇries_HSTGEO_ov (DOC)


Curricula Original version English version
Education in Bavaria. Curricula History and Geography DEB_Curricula_HistGeo_EN (PDF)
Curricula History and Geography DNRW_Curricula_HistGeo_EN (PDF)
Land Northrhine-Westfalia LandNorthrhine-Westfalia (DOC)
Curricula gymnasium (GEO) DEB_curricula_gymnasium_GEO_ov (PDF)
Curricula gymnasium (HIST) DEB_curriculum_gymnasium_HIST_ov (PDF)
Curricula realschule (GEO) DEB_curricula_realschule_GEO_ov PDF)
Curricula realschule (HIST) DEB_curriculum_realschule_HIST_ov (PDF)
Siegen History DENRWSiegen_History_ov (PDF)


Curricula Original version English version
The Moratti reform 2003. New Curricula for Lower Secondary Schools IT_Curricula_2003Moratti_EN (DOC)
The Fioroni guidelines 2007 IT_Curricula_2007Fioroni_EN (DOC)
The Gelmini reform 2009. Curricula for Upper Secondary Schools IT_Curricula_2009Gelmini_EN (DOC)
Indicazioni per il curricolo dell’ambito storico-geografico-sociale per la scuola di base IT_indicazioni curricolo scuola di base 2001_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Indicazioni Nazionali per i Piani Personalizzati nella Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado IT_indicazioni nazionali piani personalizzati scuola di I grado 2002_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Area Storico-Geografica IT_indicazioni per il curricolo primo ciclo 2007_HISTGEO_ov (PDF)
Storia e Geografia. Linee generali e competenze IT_Superiori_ Riforma2010_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)


Curricula Original version English version
Curricula Geography PL_ curriculum_Geography_ov (DOC) PL_Curricula_GEOGRAPHY_EN (DOC)
Curricula History PL_ curriculum_History_ov (DOC) PL_Curricula_HISTORY_EN (DOC)


Curricula Original version English version
Geography and History in Secondary School in Spain ES_CurriculaSecondarySchool_HistGeo_EN (PPT)
Ley Orgánica 2006 ES_LeyOrganica2-2006 (PDF)
Real Decreto 1631 2006 ES_Realdecreto1631-2006 (PDF)

2. Approaches and contents of the most common handbooks:


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Klaus Zeugner GW 3 Faszination Erde Hölzel 2009 13 AT_GEO_Zeugner_GW3
HISTORY Ebenhoch Ulrike Zeitbilder 4 2009 14-15 AT_HIST_Zeitbilder4


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Martin Ivernel Histoire Géographie 6ème Hatier 11 (6ème) FR_GEO_Hatier6ème
GEO Géographie 6ème Magnard 2005 11 (6ème) FR_GEO_Magnard6ème
GEO R. Azzouz et M.L.Gache (dir.) Histoire Géographie 5ème Magnard 2005 12 (5ème) FR_HISTGEO_Magnard5ème
HISTORY Historie Géographie 6ème Hatier 2009 11 (6ème) FR_HIST_Hatier6ème
HISTORY M. Ivernel Historie Géographie 4ème Hatier 2006 13 (4ème) FR_HIST_Hatier4ème
HISTORY Histoire 6ème Magnard 2009 11 (6ème) FR_HIST_Magnard6ème
HISTORY R. Azzouz et M.L.Gache (dir.) Histoire 4ème Magnard 13 (4ème) FR_HIST_Magnard4ème
HISTORY R. Azzouz et M.L.Gache (dir.) Histoire Géographie 3éme Magnard 2007 14 (3ème) FR_HISTGEO_Magnard3ème
HISTORY S. Cote et J. Dunlop (dir.) Histoire Géographie 4ème Nathan 2006 13 (4ème) FR_HISTGEO_Nathan4ème
HISTORY E. Chaudron et R. Knafou (dir.) Histoire Géographie 3éme Belin 2007 14 (3ème) FR_HISTGEO_Belin3ème
HISTORY Chaudron Histoire Géographie 5ème Belin 2008 12 (5ème) FR_HISTGEO_Belin5ème


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Brodengeier Terra 3 Klett-Perthes 2009 DEB_GEO_Terra3
GEO Geographie 2 Westermann 2009 DE_GEO_Geographie2
GEO Martina Gelhar Praxis Geographie 2 Westermann 2008 DEB_GEO_PraxisGeographie2
GEO Martina Gelhar Praxis Geographie 3 Westermann 2009 DEB_GEO_PraxisGeographie3
HISTORY Sauer Geschichte und Geschehen 2 Klett 2009 13 DEB_HIST_GeundGe2
HISTORY Sauer Geschichte und Geschehen 1 Klett 2009 12 DEB_HIST_GeundGe1_tab
HISTORY Westermann Horizonte 3 Westermann 2009 14 DEB_HIST_Horizonte3
HISTORY Braumgarten-Fieberg Horizonte 2 Westermann 2008 13 DEB_HIST_Horizonte2
HISTORY Braumgarten-Fieberg Horizonte 1 Westermann 2008 12 DEB_HIST_Horizonte1_tab
HISTORY Zeiten und Menschen 3 DEBWNR_HIST_ZeitenundMenschen3


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Manlio e Federico Dinucci Geograficamente Zanichelli 2008 11-14 IT_GEO_Manlio
GEO Enzo Fedrizzi – Andrea Della Valentina Dossier terra Minerva Scuola 2011 IT_GEO_Fedrizzi
GEO L. Marisaldi – M. Dinucci – C. Pellegrini Storia e geografia 1 (Dalla preistoria a Roma repubblicana. I problemi globali, l’Europa e il Mediterraneo) Zanichelli 2011 IT_GEO_Marisaldi
GEO C. Tincati – M. Dell’Acqua Geografia del presente Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori 2010 IT_GEO_Tincati
HISTORY Paolucci L’ora di storia (3 books) Zanichelli 2008 11-14 IT_HIST_Paolucci_Zanichelli
HISTORY A. Brancati-T.Pagliarani Il nuovo dialogo con la storia 3 La Nuova Italia 2007 18-19 IT_HIST_BrancatiLN
HISTORY A. Giardina – G. Sabbatucci – V. Vidotto Guida alla storia Laterza 2001 IT_HIST_Giardina
HISTORY V. Calvani Scambi tra civiltà A. Mondadori 2007 IT_HIST_Calvani


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO A. Giardina – G. Sabbatucci – V. Vidotto GEOGRAFIA POLSKI 3 Operon 2009 PL_GEO_GeografiaCzesc_Polski
GEO Doroty Makowskiej GEOGRAFIA CZĘŚĆ 1 WSiP 2004 PL_GEO_GeografiaCzesc_Polski
GEO Doroty Makowskiej GEOGRAFIA CZĘŚĆ 2 WSz PWN 2004 PL_GEO_GeografiaCzesc_Polski
HISTORY R. ŚNIEGOCKI Historia. Burzliwy Wiek XX Nowa Era 2004 18-19 PL_HIST_Historia_Burzliwy_WiekXX
HISTORY B. Burda, B. Halczak Historia 2 Operon 2009 17-18 PL_HIST_Historia2
HISTORY B. Burda, B. Halczak, R. M. Józefiak, M. Szymczak Historia 1, Część I Operon 2009 16-17 PL_HIST_Historia1CzescI


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO AND HISTORY Ciencias Sociales. Geografía e Historia. 2º ESO Oxford 2008 13-14 ES_HISTGEO_1
GEO AND HISTORY Geografía e Historia 1 ESO Santillana 2007 12-13 ES_HISTGEO_2
GEO Geografía 2 SM 2009 17-18 ES_GEO_1
HISTORY Historia de España Akal 2009 ES_HIST_1
HISTORY Historia. Bachillerato 2 Anaya 2009 17-18 ES_HIST_2
HISTORY Historia 1º Bachillerato Santillana 2008 16-17 ES_HIST_3
HISTORY Historia del mundo contemporáneo Anaya 2002 16-17 ES_HIST_4

4. CLIL/EMILE guidelines and projects in partner countries:

Task 3.2. Looking for a common framework (Workshop + meeting).

Common Framework Meeting Venezia (Italy)

Task 3.4. Comparative study: Analysis of National Curricula of Geography and History

WP4: HandBook and Digital Modules

WP5: Translation and Editing of the HandBook and Storyboard

WP6: Design of the Teacher Training Course

WP7: Teacher Training Course Pilot

WP8: HandBook and Digital Modules Pilot

Publications arrow