Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH – Innsbruck
Hafelekar has been founded in 2001 and since then combine’s expertise in managerial, social and educational sciences. Customers are business companies, non-profit organisations and clients in the public sector. Hafelekar is mainly engaged in three lines of business that are consulting, research and EU projects and therefore integrated in a dense network of VET institutions, public bodies and companies.
A close cooperation exists with the University of Innsbruck and the Management Centre Innsbruck, a college of applied sciences. Furthermore Hafelekar is integrated in a dense network of educational institutions, NGO’S, enterprises, and lobbies.
Hafelekar has been involved in EU-projects since 2001 focusing on training, lifelong learning, empowering groups at risk in the Austrian labour market, validation of informal and non formal learning, vocational orientation and career guidance, analysis of training needs, development of (ICT-) training models, curricula and contents development. In these projects the Hafelekar team mainly worked with VET institutions, training networks and the public bodies.
MIH team at Hafelekar
Researcher and Coordinator. Mag.a Martina Bechter
master degree in business management; at Hafelekar business line manager for the public sector, EU-project officer and business consultant. Set up the Hafelekar training platform with internal/external experts conducting in-house trainings in AT, IT and DE; is experienced as trainer. 5 years experience in developing and managing EU projects in the field of LLL, informal & non formal learning, entrepreneurship, language learning, and intercultural competences; comprehensive experience in EU projects QM, evaluation, and monitoring.
Researcher. Dr. Martin Maier
PHD in philosophy, assistant at the department of knowledge organization, University Innsbruck; development of workshops, trainings, coaching; trainer, coach; development of an e-learning centre, train the train activities, lecturer at the University of Innsbruck; lecturer at a post secondary college for vocational teacher training. Current activities: teacher for Latin at a higher secondary school, joint owner of Hafelekar consultancy, development and management of EU-projects.
Manager. Dr. Paul Schober
PHD in economics, post graduated academic education management, marketing and business administration for an SME in the trading sector, public relations and accounting for a non profit organisation in health and handicapped sector, vocation, development of workshops trainings, coaching; trainer, coach; development of an e-learning centre; Current activities: managing director of Hafelekar, development and management of EU-projects, lecturer at university Innsbruck and Management Centre, publications in the field of education, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, knowledge management .
Administrative. Sturm Werner
Hafelekar Agency staff is responsible for the evaluation programme, dissemination and valorisation. They will collaborate closely with the University of Salamanca in order to ensure the highest quality in the whole processes.
Work packages which are responsible
- WP9: Quality Management – Monitoring and Evaluation
- WP10: Dissemination, Valorisation and Sustainability
Contact details
Hafelekar Consultancy Ltd.
Bozner Platz 5
6020 – Innsbruck
+43 / (0)512 / 58 88 33
+43 / (0)512 / 58 88 85