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WP5: Translation and editing of the Handbook and Storyboard Multicultural Interdisciplinary Hanbook

WP5: Translation and editing of the Handbook and Storyboard


The HandBook will be translated into the languages of the countries partner: Polish, Spanish, Italian, French and German. After the edition, each translation will be available on the website.

Each partner will contribute to the audio recording of the podcast (if needed), as far as its language is concerned. P1 will give the technical instructions and support.

P8 will be responsible of the English version of the podcast.

Work Programme

Task 5.1. Translation of the HandBook and audio recording

Description: Translation of the HB into the languages of the partners.

The storyboard will be translated as far the text of the podcast (explanations and captions) is concerned.

P1 will give instructions for the audio-recording of the DM text (see WP 2).

Each partner will contribute to the audio recording. P8 will provide audio-recording in English.

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