Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol, Austria opened on 1.10.2007 following national restructuring processes and the merger of three institutions. Thus, the Pedagogical University is an institution for teacher education comprising five institutes: Initial Teacher Education (Primary, Lower Secondary and Special Needs), Vocational Teacher Education, Teaching Practice, Continuing Professional Development and Quality Assurance. Students on initial teacher education courses graduate with a B.Ed. after three years. The institute for CPD offers both in-service training sessions and post-graduate courses for teachers.
MIH Team at PH
Researcher. Andrea Krimbacker
Researcher and Coordinator. Franz Riegler
The Paedagogische Akademie of Innsbruck staff is expert in both teacher training, especially as related to the design of curricula, and language teacher training. They will design the training course.