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Relevance Multicultural Interdisciplinary Hanbook


The final product of the project is a set of tools that includes a HandBook, Digital Modules and a Teacher Training Course. They will offer a structured path through European contemporary history and geography where the countries concerned will be those of the project partners.

Today, it is generally national guidelines that determine school programmes; school HandBooks and didactics are based on them. Going beyond the limits of the national programmes, and furthering the understanding amongst young people and their educators of the diversity of European culture, languages and values – the principal objective of the Comenius – we plan to operate at the level of the HandBooks and didactics. The aim of the MIH project is to offer a tool for studying events through an approach that is both comparative and interdisciplinary: historical content will be organised based on underlying geographical realities dealing with such topics as borders, migrations, landscape and resources.

The cooperative work of selecting and drawing up the key topics, a major activity of the project’s core members, will provide the materials for designing a training course addressing current and future teachers that will emphasise the European dimension in teacher training.

The HandBook, available in the five languages of the partnership plus English, can be used both by teachers interested in multicultural learning as well as by those involved in CLIL projects. In the latter case, teachers will have at their disposal the consistent path, the original documents and a general methodology that recent reports have shown to be missing. They will promote language learning.

The Digital Modules will be the final tool of the project. The modules will be available as free video podcasts, HTML and standard-packaged Learning Objects (SCORM) that can be used in class or for independent study by pupils; they will motivate pupils by supporting listening comprehension and oral production and represent an important contribution to the development of digital educational content.

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