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WP3: Baseline Study Multicultural Interdisciplinary Hanbook

WP3: Baseline Study


The package includes the state of the art of both national programmes and most common secondary school handbooks dealing with History and Geography. Each partner will collect the main documents (laws, official guidelines, reports) regarding secondary school History and Geography programmes as well as the literature regarding the didactics of these subjects. Moreover, they will provide a complete outlook of the CLIL/EMILE projects in their own country.

These documents will constitute the corpus of the study and will be available in attachment of its final version.

The leader of the package will coordinate the comparative analysis of the documents and will be responsible of the layout of the results. The final version of the study will be available in pdf on the website. The target of the study are professionals (teacher trainers, teachers, school managers and scholars) as well as policy makers.

The scholars involved in the study are requested to present it in workshops and conferences, so that its methodology and approach can be peer reviewed (see WP 10 Dissemination).

The awareness of the situation in each country partner is the first step before deciding the framework of the handbook. Thus, the selection of the key topics that will constitute the basis of the handbook is possible only after the first part of the study. All partners will actively participate in this activity, so that the framework of the handbook will be agreed upon by everybody.

At this purpose a 2-day seminar will be organised in Venice. Its target will be all the experts involved in the project team. A 1-day monitoring meeting will be associated to the workshop.

Work Programme

Task 3.1. State of the Art

Description: The result is a collection of documents regarding 1. national History and Geography programmes, 2. approaches and contents of the most common handbooks 3. teacher practices 4. CLIL/EMILE guidelines and projects in partner countries . The original documents will be attached to the final study .

Task 3.2. Looking for a common framework (Workshop + Meeting)

Description: The workshop is a 2-day event in Venice. Partners will discuss the working document and define the framework of the HandBook as well as the contents of the Digital Modules.

The agenda of the 1 day meeting associated will discuss future activities, dissemination and evaluations issues.

Task 3.3. Framework of the HandBook and Digital Modules (Work Document)

Description: The partners will select the key topics that constitute the framework of the handbook. Each topic will be developed in a learning module and will constitute the basis of the digital modules.

For each module, the partners will agree on the constitutive elements, the sources and the documents.

Task 3.4. Comparative Study

Description: The leader of the package will edit the state of the art, completed by a comparative study that highlights differences and similarities in each partner country. The dossier will be available in English on the website of the project. P8 will check the quality of the English edition of the comparative study.

Analysis of National Curricula of Geography and History.

Related public deliverables

Task 3.1. State of the art.

1. National History and Geography programmes:


Curricula Original version English version
Curricula Geography AT_HauptschuleLehrnplan_Geschichte und Sozialkunde-Politische Bildung_ov (PDF) AT_Curriculum_Geography_EN (DOC)
Curricula History AT_HS und AHS Unterstufen_Geography_ov (PDF) AT_Curriculum_History_EN (DOCX)


Curricula Original version English version
The common base of knowledge and skills FR_Curricula_EN (PDF)
Programmes d’histoire et de géographie en classe de seconde générale et technologique FR_2GÇnÇrale et Technologique_BO4_29-04-10_OV (PDF)
Programme DNL. Classe de Première FR_DNL section europÇenne_ 1e_ov (DOC)
Sections européennes. DNL histoire et géographie FR_DNL section europÇenne_ Terminale_ov (DOC)
Programme DNL. Classe de Seconde FR_DNL section europÇenne_2e_ov (DOC)
Programme Première Histoire – Séries ES et L FR_programme 1e_ 2002_toutes sÇries_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
PROGRAMME D’HISTOIRE. Les fondements du monde contemporain FR_programme de 2e_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Programme de Troisième. LE MONDE D’AUJOURD’HUI FR_programme de 3e_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Classe de Cinquième. Histoire : le Moyen Âge et la naissance des Temps modernes FR_programme de 5e4e_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Programmes de l’enseignement d’histoire-géographie-éducation civique FR_programme de 6e 2008_HISTGEO_ov (PDF)
Programmes DARCOS 2008 FR_PROGRAMMES_DARCOS 2008_primaryschool_ov (DOC)
Histoire – Classe terminale des séries L et ES FR_programmeterminale2002_toutes sÇries_HSTGEO_ov (DOC)


Curricula Original version English version
Education in Bavaria. Curricula History and Geography DEB_Curricula_HistGeo_EN (PDF)
Curricula History and Geography DNRW_Curricula_HistGeo_EN (PDF)
Land Northrhine-Westfalia LandNorthrhine-Westfalia (DOC)
Curricula gymnasium (GEO) DEB_curricula_gymnasium_GEO_ov (PDF)
Curricula gymnasium (HIST) DEB_curriculum_gymnasium_HIST_ov (PDF)
Curricula realschule (GEO) DEB_curricula_realschule_GEO_ov PDF)
Curricula realschule (HIST) DEB_curriculum_realschule_HIST_ov (PDF)
Siegen History DENRWSiegen_History_ov (PDF)


Curricula Original version English version
The Moratti reform 2003. New Curricula for Lower Secondary Schools IT_Curricula_2003Moratti_EN (DOC)
The Fioroni guidelines 2007 IT_Curricula_2007Fioroni_EN (DOC)
The Gelmini reform 2009. Curricula for Upper Secondary Schools IT_Curricula_2009Gelmini_EN (DOC)
Indicazioni per il curricolo dell’ambito storico-geografico-sociale per la scuola di base IT_indicazioni curricolo scuola di base 2001_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Indicazioni Nazionali per i Piani Personalizzati nella Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado IT_indicazioni nazionali piani personalizzati scuola di I grado 2002_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)
Area Storico-Geografica IT_indicazioni per il curricolo primo ciclo 2007_HISTGEO_ov (PDF)
Storia e Geografia. Linee generali e competenze IT_Superiori_ Riforma2010_HISTGEO_ov (DOC)


Curricula Original version English version
Curricula Geography PL_ curriculum_Geography_ov (DOC) PL_Curricula_GEOGRAPHY_EN (DOC)
Curricula History PL_ curriculum_History_ov (DOC) PL_Curricula_HISTORY_EN (DOC)


Curricula Original version English version
Geography and History in Secondary School in Spain ES_CurriculaSecondarySchool_HistGeo_EN (PPT)
Ley Orgánica 2006 ES_LeyOrganica2-2006 (PDF)
Real Decreto 1631 2006 ES_Realdecreto1631-2006 (PDF)

2. Approaches and contents of the most common handbooks:


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Klaus Zeugner GW 3 Faszination Erde Hölzel 2009 13 AT_GEO_Zeugner_GW3
HISTORY Ebenhoch Ulrike Zeitbilder 4 2009 14-15 AT_HIST_Zeitbilder4


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Martin Ivernel Histoire Géographie 6ème Hatier 11 (6ème) FR_GEO_Hatier6ème
GEO Géographie 6ème Magnard 2005 11 (6ème) FR_GEO_Magnard6ème
GEO R. Azzouz et M.L.Gache (dir.) Histoire Géographie 5ème Magnard 2005 12 (5ème) FR_HISTGEO_Magnard5ème
HISTORY Historie Géographie 6ème Hatier 2009 11 (6ème) FR_HIST_Hatier6ème
HISTORY M. Ivernel Historie Géographie 4ème Hatier 2006 13 (4ème) FR_HIST_Hatier4ème
HISTORY Histoire 6ème Magnard 2009 11 (6ème) FR_HIST_Magnard6ème
HISTORY R. Azzouz et M.L.Gache (dir.) Histoire 4ème Magnard 13 (4ème) FR_HIST_Magnard4ème
HISTORY R. Azzouz et M.L.Gache (dir.) Histoire Géographie 3éme Magnard 2007 14 (3ème) FR_HISTGEO_Magnard3ème
HISTORY S. Cote et J. Dunlop (dir.) Histoire Géographie 4ème Nathan 2006 13 (4ème) FR_HISTGEO_Nathan4ème
HISTORY E. Chaudron et R. Knafou (dir.) Histoire Géographie 3éme Belin 2007 14 (3ème) FR_HISTGEO_Belin3ème
HISTORY Chaudron Histoire Géographie 5ème Belin 2008 12 (5ème) FR_HISTGEO_Belin5ème


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Brodengeier Terra 3 Klett-Perthes 2009 DEB_GEO_Terra3
GEO Geographie 2 Westermann 2009 DE_GEO_Geographie2
GEO Martina Gelhar Praxis Geographie 2 Westermann 2008 DEB_GEO_PraxisGeographie2
GEO Martina Gelhar Praxis Geographie 3 Westermann 2009 DEB_GEO_PraxisGeographie3
HISTORY Sauer Geschichte und Geschehen 2 Klett 2009 13 DEB_HIST_GeundGe2
HISTORY Sauer Geschichte und Geschehen 1 Klett 2009 12 DEB_HIST_GeundGe1_tab
HISTORY Westermann Horizonte 3 Westermann 2009 14 DEB_HIST_Horizonte3
HISTORY Braumgarten-Fieberg Horizonte 2 Westermann 2008 13 DEB_HIST_Horizonte2
HISTORY Braumgarten-Fieberg Horizonte 1 Westermann 2008 12 DEB_HIST_Horizonte1_tab
HISTORY Zeiten und Menschen 3 DEBWNR_HIST_ZeitenundMenschen3


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO Manlio e Federico Dinucci Geograficamente Zanichelli 2008 11-14 IT_GEO_Manlio
GEO Enzo Fedrizzi – Andrea Della Valentina Dossier terra Minerva Scuola 2011 IT_GEO_Fedrizzi
GEO L. Marisaldi – M. Dinucci – C. Pellegrini Storia e geografia 1 (Dalla preistoria a Roma repubblicana. I problemi globali, l’Europa e il Mediterraneo) Zanichelli 2011 IT_GEO_Marisaldi
GEO C. Tincati – M. Dell’Acqua Geografia del presente Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori 2010 IT_GEO_Tincati
HISTORY Paolucci L’ora di storia (3 books) Zanichelli 2008 11-14 IT_HIST_Paolucci_Zanichelli
HISTORY A. Brancati-T.Pagliarani Il nuovo dialogo con la storia 3 La Nuova Italia 2007 18-19 IT_HIST_BrancatiLN
HISTORY A. Giardina – G. Sabbatucci – V. Vidotto Guida alla storia Laterza 2001 IT_HIST_Giardina
HISTORY V. Calvani Scambi tra civiltà A. Mondadori 2007 IT_HIST_Calvani


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO A. Giardina – G. Sabbatucci – V. Vidotto GEOGRAFIA POLSKI 3 Operon 2009 PL_GEO_GeografiaCzesc_Polski
GEO Doroty Makowskiej GEOGRAFIA CZĘŚĆ 1 WSiP 2004 PL_GEO_GeografiaCzesc_Polski
GEO Doroty Makowskiej GEOGRAFIA CZĘŚĆ 2 WSz PWN 2004 PL_GEO_GeografiaCzesc_Polski
HISTORY R. ŚNIEGOCKI Historia. Burzliwy Wiek XX Nowa Era 2004 18-19 PL_HIST_Historia_Burzliwy_WiekXX
HISTORY B. Burda, B. Halczak Historia 2 Operon 2009 17-18 PL_HIST_Historia2
HISTORY B. Burda, B. Halczak, R. M. Józefiak, M. Szymczak Historia 1, Część I Operon 2009 16-17 PL_HIST_Historia1CzescI


Subject Author Title Editor Year Age File
GEO AND HISTORY Ciencias Sociales. Geografía e Historia. 2º ESO Oxford 2008 13-14 ES_HISTGEO_1
GEO AND HISTORY Geografía e Historia 1 ESO Santillana 2007 12-13 ES_HISTGEO_2
GEO Geografía 2 SM 2009 17-18 ES_GEO_1
HISTORY Historia de España Akal 2009 ES_HIST_1
HISTORY Historia. Bachillerato 2 Anaya 2009 17-18 ES_HIST_2
HISTORY Historia 1º Bachillerato Santillana 2008 16-17 ES_HIST_3
HISTORY Historia del mundo contemporáneo Anaya 2002 16-17 ES_HIST_4

4. CLIL/EMILE guidelines and projects in partner countries:

Task 3.2. Looking for a common framework (Workshop + meeting).

Common Framework Meeting Venezia (Italy)

Task 3.4. Comparative study: Analysis of National Curricula of Geography and History

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